Chateau Ploskovice

All Inclusive
Mid-size venue
 (0 - 50 people)
 (50 - 100 people)
 (100+ people)
Distance from Prague 
In Prague
#out of Prague

Anna Franziska of the Palatinate had this Baroque country house built prior to 1720; it was finished in 1725. Apart from the main hall, the most significant room is the sala terrena underneath. The grottoes on the ground floor have fountains with sculptural decoration in the shape of Hercules, water deities, sea monsters and angels. In 1764 the house was altered in Rococo style and further building alterations were made to the house and greenhouse in the garden. During a Neo-Baroque reconstruction the upper floor was raised, and pavilions appeared at the end of the Baroque arcade corridor, as well as a new portico. Please note only ceremonies can be inside, receptions in the garden.

Lovely place
do you want to have your dream wedding?
Cosy courtyard with wedding catering in Bastion Prague Restaurant

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